Message from the AFLV CEO
Hello! I am Northster and Michael ;) I am the head of AFLV Group, and on behalf of our airline I want to thank you for your attention to us and choosing our VA!
In this letter I want to say the following. Our project has been underway for 2 years, and all this time we never gave up and strived for our common dream, even when no one believed in us! And our dream has always been to create not just a new VA with its own fleet and reports, but a whole space that will unite people from the CIS region and from all over the world and in which you can find real colleagues and friends, where everyone will have a pleasant and comfortable time !
Personally, as CEO of AFLV Group, I want to create an VA that will take its place in the echelon of good VAs at IFC. Which would constantly develop, be an innovative VA, so that there would always be some bright moments in it: events, etc. And I want to create a team that could live for a long time even without me as the CEO. Be above the limit!
Best regards, AFLV CEO